PPTX Export Bulk

With the PPTX Export Bulk action you can create a series of power point for all the dashboard and the by whom you have in AgrEGG.

Under the left menu select the Admin > Export > PPTX Download Here you can see the archived files or create a new export.


If you create a new one firstly you have to select the groups and the by whom that can edit and view this export configuration. You can also create


Please use this power point template as starter and do not delete placeholders pptx

In the list select “Bulk Generate” option and select all the by whom and all the dashboard for the generation. If you want you can force the dashboard to use a period and an import data type (annual, single,..). If no choiches is selected for period or import data type the default ones will be used.

The press save and wait (for each dashboard the generation time is about 2-3 minutes). The system will notify you when the files will be ready during dashboard navigations.

One the process is completed you can see a list of all generated files under “Bulked elements” voice. One file with concatenated dashboards for “By Whom” will be generated.